Monday, April 30, 2012

The Scarlet Letter- 10

"She had returned, therefore, and resumed,—of her own free will, for not the sternest magistrate of that iron period would have imposed it,—resumed the symbol of which we have related so dark a tale. Never afterwards did it quit her bosom. But . . . the scarlet letter ceased to be a stigma which attracted the world’s scorn and bitterness, and became a type of something to be sorrowed over, and looked upon with awe, and yet with reverence, too." (page 202)

Similar to the previous passage, the sense of empowerment and overcoming obstacles is the basic way to sum up the last chapter of the book. We, as readers are left with Hester being a hero in a way. Through the entire book, Hester is regarded as a sinful woman who struggles to make her true personality known. However, it is evidences through Hester returning back home and her continuing to wear the scarlet letter, that she is not ashamed of who she is. Rather than being ashamed, Hester knows that her past is a part of her, but she wants to move forward. A theme of forgiveness that accompanies the theme of sin is present in this very action. To me, I thought that ending the book with a courageous Hester, was the best way to make the upsetting tale surprisingly inspiring and uplifting.

The Scarlet Letter 9

"But there was a more real life for Hester Prynne here, in New England, than in that unknown region where Pearl had found a home. Here had been her sin; here, her sorrow; and here was yet to be her penitence." (page 202)

The final chapter of The Scarlet Letter shows what Hester has faced in her time at home. Now, Hester is ready to move forward and escape the judgments and make a new name for herself. Rather than using the scarlet letter as a symbol of shame, Hester proves it to be a symbol of her character. I am struck by Hester's courage in the face of so much adversity. Yes, it was her fault to commit the sin, but she continued to change the rules of society by showing to everyone how they could not bring her down. I think that Hester shows to a lot of people in New England who exactly she is and who she is not. Despite everyone's harsh opinions, she is determined to be herself and show everyone the true Hester. The real personality and real life of Hester Prynne is made known.

The Scarlet Letter 8

"The scarlet letter was her passport into regions where other women dared not tread. Shame, Despair, Solitude! These had been her teachers,—stern and wild ones,—and they had made her strong, but taught her much amiss." (page 154)

Again, the theme of sin pops up towards the end of the book. In a reconnecting conversation with Dimmesdale, Hester and Dimmesdale decide to go to Europe together with Pearl. The scarlet letter truly proved to be her "passport" to another world of shame, despair and solitude. The scarlet letter, her sin, pushed her away from the rest of society. The shame, despair, and solitude in which she lived her life for the past years, taught her a lot about who she is and about her mistakes. Her sin also led her to alienation from everything else. However, in this chapter, we as readers truly get a since of companionship between the narrator and Hester. The narrator seems to be proud of Hester for handling everything the way she has. I think the narrator admires Hester for her courage and longs to do the same thing in his life.

The Scarlet Letter 7

“Mother,” said little Pearl, “the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom. . . . It will not flee from me, for I wear nothing on my bosom yet!” “Nor ever will, my child, I hope,” said Hester. “And why not, mother?” asked Pearl, stopping short. . . . “Will it not come of its own accord, when I am a woman grown?” (page 141)

This quote explains the significance of the scarlet letter and the effect of sin in the daily life of all of the main characters. Pearl notices the "lack of sunshine in her mother’s life" and how it has to do with the scarlet letter. Pearl, as a little girl cannot understand the significance of the scarlet letter and what it means to Hester. However, Pearl can understand that the lack of sunshine in her mother's life is caused by something, and she makes the assumption that it is due to the scarlet letter. Pearl thinks that all women must wear the scarlet letter, but Hester informs her that she wishes and hopes this will not be the case. This shows that Pearl, as a immature, yet observable character, thinks that the letter, which represents sin, is simply a part of every human being.

The Scarlet Letter 6

"The whole universe is false, it is impalpable, it shrinks to nothing within his grasp. And he himself, in so far as he shows himself in a false light, becomes a shadow, or indeed, ceases to exist." (page 112)

In chapter 11, the reader finds out for certain that Dimmesdale is the father of Pearl. As a minister and a moral man, it is evident through the entire chapter that Dimmesdale is suffering. However, through his suffering, he is inspired to preach about sin. does inspire him to deliver some of his most powerful sermons, which focus on the topic of sin. Dimmesdale faces an internal struggle and as a result he begins to see visions. Then, Dimmesdale begins to physically torture himself. He whips himself, he fasts, and stays up all night thinking about his wrongdoings. stays awake throughout the night meditating upon his sin. I think that this entire chapter is personifying the theme of sin throughout this entire book. The standards of the society in which Hester and Dimmesdale live and their failure to live up to those standards have serious affects on them and their daily lives. In turn, this affects the entire story line.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Scarlet Letter- Introductory

“A writer of story-books! What kind of a business in life,—what mode of glorifying God, or being serviceable to mankind in his day and generation,—may that be?" (page 6)

When I first started reading this book, I didn't read the introduction because I didn't think it was important. But, I went back after I finished reading the first half and read it again. The introduction is actually very important because it explains the narrator and why he is writing. I found a similarity between Hester and the narrator. The narrator, as evidenced by this quote, is influenced by society. According to society, writing books is of no use and does not "glorify God". Much like this, Hester is driven by society and their judgments of her. Hester is trying to find herself and who she is among all of the other trials in her life. Similarly, the narrator is trying to find who he is and his purpose for writing. The narrator longs to figure our his place in society. This explains to the reader what the motivation behind the story is and adds a bit of realism to the story as well. 

The Scarlet Letter- Dimmesdale's weakness

"But with what a wild look of wonder, joy, and horror! With what a ghastly rapture, as it were, too mighty to be expressed only by the eye and features, and therefore bursting forth through the whole ugliness of his features, and therefore bursting forth through the whole ugliness of his figure, and making itself even riotously manifest by the extravagant gestures with which he thew up his arms towards the ceiling, and stamped his foot upon the floor!" (page 106)

Chapters 9 and 10 show a relationship forming between Dimmesdale and Chillingworth. Throughout these chapters, information on both character is made known to the readers. Most importantly, Dimmesdale's internal and external suffering is made known. To Chillingworth, Dimmesdale's behavior and reasoning causes him to be suspicious and he begins to raise questions. While Dimmesdale is asleep, Chillingworth sneaks up to Dimmesdale and pushes aside the shirt that Dimmesdale is wearing. What he sees on Dimmesdale’s chest causes the doctor to rejoice. It is unknown to the reader as to what Chillingworth is responding to. As a reader, one can infer that Dimmesdale and his external and internal sufferings are linked together. Chillingworth has begun to decipher what is the root of his sufferings. As a reader, we can speculate that it has to do with Hester as well and Dimmesdale could possibly be the father of Pearl. The reader is left at the edge of their seat by the end of chapter 10.

The Scarlet Letter- Hester's characterization

"Hester Prynne, therefore, did not flee. On the outskirts of the town, within the verge of the peninsula, but not in close vicinity to any other habitation, there was a small thatched cottage. It had been built by an earlier settler, and abandoned, because the soil about it was too sterile for cultivation, while it comparative remoteness put it out of the sphere of the social activity which already marked the habits of the emigrants." (page 61)

One aspect in the first half of the novel that stood out to me was the fact that Hester decides to stay in Massachusetts when she is released from prison. Hester, who has faced humiliation and has suffered immensely, decides to stay. To me, this says a lot about Hester's character. Hester chooses to stay but also secludes herself from everyone else. Hester truly feels guilt from her past mistakes and is an example for all of a woman who has been struggling. Despite her alienation and continuous judgement from her neighbors, Hester continues to stay firm in her decision to stay. Hester proves to be determined to prove to herself rather than her neighbors. Rather than running away from the judgments, Hester stays and shows her strength and true character. Personally, I think that this simple action really defines Hester and what she will continue to do in the rest of the novel.

The Scarlet Letter- Pearl & A

"Pearl was a born outcast of the infantile world. An imp of evil, emblem and product of sin, she had no right among christened infants. Nothing was more remarkable than the instinct, as it seemed, with which the child comprehended her loneliness; the destiny that had drawn an inviolable circle round about her; the whole peculiarity, in short, of her position in respect to other children." (page 70)

I think it is somewhat ironic that Hester is forced to wear the A at all times as if her own child isn't enough proof of her past sins. Hester knows of her sins when she sees her daughter, but at the same time, Pearl serves as Hester's hope and consolation in the midst of trials. To me, I think that Pearl and the scarlet letter function similarly at times. Both the letter and Pearl are symbols of Hester's shame and sin. Because of her sins, Hester has become alienated by everyone. However, Pearl is her companion at these times as well. Similarly, the scarlet letter A is a curse in the sense that it reminds Hester of her past faults. Yet, the beautiful scarlet letter she sewed, brings Hester to her talents of sewing for others. Both the scarlet letter and Pearl serve as similar symbols in Hester's daily life.

The Scarlet Letter- Suspense

"'Speak; and give your child a father!'
'I will not speak!' answered Hester, turning pale as death, but responding to this voice, which she too surely recognized. 'And my child must seek a heavenly Father; she shall never know an earthly one'" (page 51)

A common mood introduced in the beginning chapters is suspense. In the first chapters, the reader is introduced to Hester Prynne and is given the background on her story and situation. Hester, as an adulterer, is forced to wear an A signifying to all of her wrongdoings. Much like the reader, all of the individuals in the story long to know who is the father of Hester's daughter, Pearl. I suspect that the suspense of who the father is will serve as a main driving force in the plot.The suspicion of who the father of Pearl has continued to grow to the points of the book in which I have read thus far. Furthermore, Hester's character is shown through her ability to not give into the pressures of telling others of who the father of her child may be. Hester is a strong, independent woman, who does not seem to be influenced by others. I think this character trait of independence and courage is one of the many great aspects to Hester's character.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Frankenstein- Walton

"'Are you mad, my friend?' said he; 'or whiter does your senseless curiosity lead you? Would you also create for yourself and the world a demoniacal enemy? Peace, peace! learn my miseries, and do not seek to increase your own" page 156

By the end of the book, after I was depressed about everyone dying in the end, I began to wonder about Walton. I wondered if Walton really learned anything from what Victor had told him and what he encountered with the creature. Walton, much like Victor, was very much entrapped in his work and what he longed to discover. However, Victor continually warned him of the evils and dangers of obsessing over work and especially science. When Walton asks Victor to explain to him how he created the monster, it just does not appear as if Walton truly understands the gravity of everything that has happened. I think that it took seeing the creature face to face and encountering Victor's death for him to truly realize how dangerous science can be.

Frankenstein- The End

"He sprung from the cabin window, as he said this, upon the ice raft which lay close to the vessel. He was soon borne away by the waves ,and lost in darkness and distance." page 166

To be honest, I was really disappointed with how the book ended. From the very moment Walton sees Victor and takes him on board and also sees the creature of a "gigantic stature" I was expecting an intense scene with Victor and the creature. However, this did not happen. Instead, out of misery and poor health and rampant monster murderers, everyone in this book dies. Although it did not have the action or intensity that I expected to occur, I thought of a theme that Mary Shelley may have been trying to portray. Extremes of anything in life are not good. For Victor, his extreme obsessiveness with his creation turned out badly. The creature obsessing over trying to find happiness and love through other people failed and he ended up hating humanity. In our world, it is very easy to become engrossed in certain things and not focus on anything else. But, as this novel shows, it is imperative that we focus on other things and realize everything that the world has to offer. Without this, awful things can happen and we could end up like Victor and the creature and be unhappy, scared, and become people we are not.

Frankenstein- Protagonist

"My heart was fashioned to be susceptible of love and sympathy, and when wrenched by misery to vice and hatred, it did not endure the violence of the change without torture such as you cannot imagine." page 208

When describing his circumstances to Walton, the creature states that he was endowed by his nature to be sympathetic and loving. It was his lack of nurture that made him become full of misery, hatred, and violence. Even though I questioned the creature at times, I think that he was the protagonist of the book. Victor, as the creature's creator, abandoned him and left him to a world of solitude in which everyone else was disgusted by him as well. I put myself in the creature's position and I begin to feel that if I had been rejected and abandoned to the extent in which he was, I would have a lot of hatred in my heart as well. He is a gentle and kind creature until humanity exposes him to hate and rejection. Through his constant struggles and then his murders, he drives the action of the novel. The reader is continually trying to figure out what the creature is going to do next. Although he commits very wrong acts, the creature is noted to be struggling with an internal conflict of good and evil. To me, this represents a very human characteristic in which we all deal with in our lives.

Frankenstein- I don't understand you, Victor

"'I will be with you on your wedding night.' Such was my sentence, and on that night would the daemon employ every art to destroy me, and tear me from the glimpse of happiness which promised party to console my sufferings. On that night he had determined to consummate his crimes by my death. Well, be it so." page 139

Although Victor cannot foresee that the creature is actually planning to kill Elizabeth, I was seriously questioning Victor and his character at this moment. Obviously, he is fearful of the creature and his "impending" death just as anyone would be. However, not once does Victor mention how his death may affect all of the people around him who love him, especially Elizabeth. He does not know that the creature will kill Elizabeth, but he does not think of how his own death may affect Elizabeth. Then, to make things worse, Victor agrees to marry Elizabeth even though he is certain of the creature killing him on the night of his wedding. If I were in Elizabeth's position I would be absolutely crushed to find out that my husband was murdered. Yet, Victor doesn't seem to think about how his death would be hard on Elizabeth, especially seeing how hard William's death was for her. Also, he does not consider his father or brother during this period either. Instead, he still remains in secrecy about his creation and accepts his fate. To me, this was a very negative aspect of Victor's character.

Frankenstein- Sympathy

"Suddenly, as I gazed on him, an idea seized me that this little creature was unprejudiced and had lived too short a time to have imbibed a horror of deformity. If, therefore, I could seize him and educate him as my companion and friend, I should not be so desolate in this people earth." page 136

The last blog I wrote about was talking about how I began to sympathize with the creature. This extended even more into the second half of the book. I had this preconceived notion at the beginning of this book that the monster was intrinsically evil, just as Victor thinks he is. However, I have started to really sympathize for the creature. He simply wants to have someone in his life that doesn't judge him but will talk to him and love him. The things that the creature wants are things that we, as humans, strive to have as well. The monster, although he is not human, has very human emotions and feelings. Also, just as humans do, he continually struggles with humanity's evil side. Through the constant rejection and disgust the creature receives from everyone he encounters, he begins to perceive the world differently and in response, he changes. The world around him and the people around him made him into the evil, harmful, disgusting creature he never wanted to be.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Frankenstein- Poor creature

"I had admired the perfect forms of my cottagers-- their grace, beauty, and delicate complexions: but how I was terrified, when I viewed myself in a transparent pool! At first I started back, unable to believe that it was indeed I who was reflected in the mirror; and when I became fully convinced that I was in reality the monster that I am, I was filled with the bitterest sensations of despondence and mortification. Alas! I did not yet entirely know the fatal effects of this miserable deformity." (page 80).

At this point, I began to sympathize with the creature. He is beginning to form an intelligence and understand different things. He also discovers what he looks like and understands why everyone is so terrified of him. To add to this, he is completely alone. His creator abandoned him, and now it is left to creepily watch a family and care for them. Regarding nature versus nurture as a theme, I believe that by nature, he is not inherently evil like Frankenstein assumes he is. The creature appears to be very kind and empathetic. I think that his lack of nurture will turn him into the monster he is personified as. 

Frankenstein- Characterization

"The blood flowed freely in my veins, but a weight of despair and remorse pressed on my heart which nothing could remove." page 61

To me as a reader, I regard Frankenstein as a complex character. At the beginning of the book, we meet him in a state in which he is near death. After obsessing over his creation for years, he finally finishes his work and is completely horrified with his creation. I found his reasoning for leaving really confusing. I understand that he was afraid, but that seems like a complete waste of 2 years to me. Also, the intense emotions that Victor feels when told of Williams death adds another dimension to his character.He begins to feel sorrow, grief, guilt, despair and so many other emotions. It seems as if he is experiencing every type of possible emotion. The most significant quality about Frankenstein that I have noticed is his impulsiveness. He acts impulsively when running from his creation and then when talking to his creation about how awful he is. I do not think that he really thinks through what he is doing in a lot of the situations in which he is presented. 

Frankenstein- Ability to reason

"'Listen to me, Frankenstein. You accuse me of murder, and yet you would, with a satisfied conscience, destroy your own creature. Oh, praise the eternal justice of man! Yet I ask you not to spare me: listen to me; and then, if you can, and if you will, destroy the work of your hands." page 69

It was at this point in the book that I began to see how intelligent the creature has become. The creature reasons with Victor about conscience and mankind. This is vastly different from the creature that we had been introduced to when Victor first created it. The baby-like creature who yearns for its creator has now transformed into an intelligent being. This was an extreme surprise to me. Originally I figured that the creature would continually behave in this babyish manner and not really develop any sense of intelligence, especially due to his abandonment. I do not think that Frankenstein thought that the creature would become intelligent and be able to reason and understand either. Another point in the first half of the book that has bothered me was the fact that Frankenstein never even spent time with the creature, but automatically knows that the creature killed William. I do not understand how Frankenstein can logically assume this because he has no true knowledge of what the creature is like.

Frankenstein- Irony

"Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room, and continued a long time traversing my bedchamber, unable to compose my mind to sleep." page 35

After spending such a long time devoted to creating this being, the time comes when the being comes to life. However, after Frankenstein creates the monster, he runs to his room to escape his creation. I was expecting Frankenstein to be pleased with his creation at first, but immediately, he knows he made a mistake. I initially assumed that he would be extremely interested as a scientist to examine and take note of what he created. Yet, to me as a reader, this scene really shows how little Frankenstein thought about what he was doing. He clearly hadn't thought the whole experiment out.To Frankenstein, the consequences of trying to create another being does not seem like it would create any true problems. However, to me, I do not see how he could not have thought through the possible consequences of this experiment. Situational irony is present at this specific point.

Frankenstein- Foreshadowing

"We perceived a low carriage, fixed on a sledge and drawn by dogs, pass on towards the north, at the distance of half a mile; a being which had the shape of a man, but apparently of gigantic stature, sat in the sledge and guided the dogs."

In one of the beginning letters, the author immediately draws a connection to the main point of the plot. Most importantly, this scene foreshadows the creation story that Victor recounts to Walton. A reader is able to make a connection between his appearance during the beginning to the point in which he is created. The reader wants to continue to read on to find out how this strange circumstance occurs. The reader also wants to find out who exactly the gigantic creature is. The little details provides the reader with enough information to spark curiosity.. Through the beginning foreshadowing, Mary Shelley establishes a main premise of the book and encourages the reader to be drawn in due to curiosity. Also, this is the first passage in which the creature is referred to as one of "gigantic stature" which helps to characterize the physical properties of the creature.