"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages." (II.VII.32)
The passage that Jaques states about all the world is a stage is a major metaphor that relates to one of the themes of the play. The world is the stage and all humans are the actors throughout life. Every person goes through life playing different parts and questions life and why they played certain parts and not others. It relates to the theme of the play being following your heart. Orlando, Rosalind, Audrey, Touchstone, and so many other characters used their heart to pursue what they truly wanted. Just as one follows their heart, they play different parts and go through different phases to reach a certain point. I also find this passage easy to relate to world today. People go through different phases in life to reach the person who they want to be or who they feel they are supposed to be in the world; ultimately following their heart.
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