Thursday, February 16, 2012

As You Like It- #1

Although the play as a whole wasn't all that intriguing, I felt like the title was a very accurate description of what Shakespeare intended the play to be. I feel as if Shakespeare literally meant that you can analyze the play just as you like it. There are several different aspects of the play. The romance between all of the characters. "Look here comes a lover of mine and a lover of hers." (V.II.70) There is romance between several different characters in the play. For someone, this may be the main theme of the play. Another theme may be the simplicity of nature and the forest. "Are not these woods more free from peril that the envious court." (II.i.17) As you like it or to each his own, Shakespeare left it up to the reader to decide what to get out of the play. Rather than having an explicit point, there were several for the reader to decipher on his own.

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