Wednesday, September 21, 2011


"'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!' Nothing beside remains."

I feel pretty confident about this poem. This poem describes the king, Ozymandias. He was a king of a great land. He controlled everything and was pretty powerful. A statue was made in his "honor" so that everyone could see this marvelous king. However, now this statue is nothing more than ruins. This statue is surrounded by sand and nothing else. The emotions on Ozymandias face are forever stamped yet the statue is nearly destroyed. I find this poem ironic because of the power that Ozymandias had at one point. It seems to me like this king was very vain and he took advantage of all of the power and wealth that he had as a king. But now, his power is gone, his life is gone, and the statue to honor him is gone as well. I think this is symbolic of the destruction and downfall of those who have power and abuse it. Look at this "king of kings" now, he's a midst sand and a desert and nothing else.

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