Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Barbie Doll

I liked this poem for the mere fact that I could actually understand it. Well, at least I hope so (It's not Emily Dickinson, so that's a positive thing). In this poem, the author goes through the life of a girl. This girl was born into a world were she was told she had to behave and look a certain way. When she was older, she was faced with the insecurity of having a big nose and fat legs. Eventually, all of these "imperfections" led to her suicide. I think that all of this poem is ironic. The title "Barbie Doll" is especially ironic because the girl in the poem is not like Barbie. She is not fake and plastic and perfect. However, all of these materialistic, surface characteristics are the reason that she committed suicide. I also assumed that this was the poet's way of speaking out against the wrongs in our society. Our society is too focused on girls having look and behave in a particular way and this poem draws attention to this situation.

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