Thursday, January 26, 2012

Othello, Act II

Is the play a tragedy or comedy, a melodrama or a farce?

I think that Othello is a tragedy. This becomes evident in the play when Iago reveals his true intentions to ruin Othello's marriage and get rid of Cassio (II.i.265-291). Iago's manipulation of Othello throughout the play creates the proper feeling for a tragedy and provides a means for tragedy to occur.  Knowing that the play is a tragedy puts Iago's and Othello's actions into a different context. Iago's personality and demeanor revealed through certain situations make it evident that he is not sympathetic or worried about anyone but himself. It seems that Iago's personality in itself makes a tragedy very much in sight. The first three acts characterize Iago as a deceitful, lying, selfish man. In turn, something happening, specifically involving Cassio, Othello or Desdemona seems very inevitable with Iago's constant manipulation with every character.

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