Thursday, December 8, 2011

You're Ugly Too

"'Just kidding,' she said. 'I was just kidding.' But he gazed at her, appalled and frightened, his Magic Marker buttocks turned away now toward all of downtown, a naked pseduowoman with a blue bracelet at the wrist..." (page 370)

Throughout the story, Zoe continually tells stories and jokes. However, no one else gets them or thinks they are funny. Zoe thinks her jokes are ironic (more lighthearted), however everyone else thinks that they are sarcastic (more cruel). In this sense, Zoe is misunderstood. I feel as if the fact that people do not understand Zoe and her sense of humor makes her feel insecure about who she is. She covers up her insecurities by more jokes. She was also self-concious. This is noted when she walks by the mirror and looks at herself. The people in which she continually interacts with are not like her at all, which further add to her insecurity.

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