"'She had gone walking alone in those mountains over there to the North, had fallen down a steep place and hurt her head. ('Go on, go on,' said Bernard excitedly.) Some hunters from Malpais had found her and brought her to the pueblo. As for the man who was his father, Linda had never seen him again. His name was Tomakin. (Yes, 'Thomas' was the D.H.C.'s first name.) He must have flown away, back to the Other Place, away without her--a bad, unkind, unnatural man.'" (Brave New World, page 118)
Well, I definitely wasn't expecting this one. But, it certainly created a new situation that may have an impact on the rest of the book. So, we are introduced to John and Linda. Linda, the former Beta, was impregnated by the D.H.C., Thomas (which the story told in chapter 6, foreshadowed!). Linda tells Bernard and Lenina of her life after living on the Reservation and her attempts to carry out her life that she had in "Other Place". This, however, proved to be unsuccessful seeing as the lifestyles of the Reservation and "Other Place" are completely different in several ways. Obviously, the purpose of the author putting these two characters in this chapter was to develop the story. The rising action is beginning because these two characters create a new complication in the story. As of right now, it is easy to see the contrast between the lifestyle described as "normal" that Lenina and Bernard experience and the lifestyle of the Reservation. Also, the contrast between John's way of life and Lenina's way of life is extremely evident. Also, the author shows a form of juxtaposition in both societies by contrasting the two. I predict that the two societies will somehow end up mixing and create the climax of the novel. I'm interested to see where the author will take the story from here.
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