"As after sunset fadeth in the west, Which by and by black night doth take away,"
Question #1
What are the three major images introduced by the three quatrains? What do they have in common?
The three major images introduced by the quatrains are those of death. The first image deals with fall turning into winter. Next, twilight is turning into night. Lastly, the fire turns to ashes. All of these images deal with something ending or dying. Fall fades to winter, twilight turns into darkness of the night and when the fire is put out it becomes ashes. Comparatively, these quatrains are all personifying death. The diction of the poem makes it seems as if the speaker is getting old and is nearing death. Due to the age of the speaker, his lover is spending all of her time with him because she knows that he will be gone soon. The poem signifies loss. Loss of seasons, nature, and love.
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